胡国栋 简介

   发布时间: 2023-02-24    访问次数: 1342








2022. 09—至今            常州大学            讲师

2021. 062022. 07       西南科技大学          讲师

2014. 092020. 08         兰州大学        有机化学专业   硕博

2010. 092014. 07       河南师范大学         化学专业    本科  



1. Guodong Hu, Miao Zhong, Jintao Zhao, Hao Gao, Lu Gan, Hong Zhang, Shengxiang Zhang, and Jianguo Fang*. Fluorescent probes for imaging protein disulfides in live organisms, ACS Sensors2021, 6(3), 1384-1391.

2. Guodong Hu, Huiyi Jia, Yanan Hou, Xiao Han, Lu Gan, Jing Si, Dong-Hyung Cho, Hong Zhang,* and Jianguo Fang*. Decrease of protein vicinal dithiols in Parkinsonism disclosed by a monoarsenical fluorescent probe. Analytical Chemistry2020, 92(6), 4371-4378.

3. Guodong Hu, Baoxin Zhang, Pengcheng Zhou, Yanan Hou, Huiyi Jia, Yuxin Liu, Lu Gan, Hong Zhang, Yiheng Mao and Jianguo Fang*. Depletion of protein thiols and accumulation of oxidized thioredoxin in Parkinsonism disclosed by ared-emitting and environment-sensitive probe. Journal of Materials Chemistry B2019, 7, 2696-2702.

4. Guodong Hu, Huiyi Jia, Lanning Zhao, Dong-Hyung Cho, Jianguo Fang*. Small molecule fluorescent probes of protein vicinal dithiols. Chinese Chemical Letters2019, 30(10), 1704−1716.

5. Huiyi Jia#, Guodong Hu# (co-first author), Danfeng Shi, Lu Gan, Hong Zhang, Xiaojun Yao, and Jianguo Fang*. Fluorophore-dependent cleavage of disulfide bond leading to a highly selective fluorescent probe of thioredoxin. Analytical Chemistry2019, 91(13), 8524-8531

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